When it comes to the safety of your equipment, we really know what we’re doing.

Non destructive testing (NDT) is a tried a tested way of evaluating the condition of plant and equipment. And we do this without causing any damage. Using these testing methods, we can help you by highlighting damage or irregularities in material, which could cause you much bigger problems later down the line.

Non destructive testing (NDT) is an extremely reliable way of preventing machinery and equipment failures, improving product reliability and maximising productivity. Our specialist team knows everything there is to know when it comes to NDT – when these methods should be used, what for and where they wouldn’t work. We follow all relevant procedures, approved by a competent person, to get the best results.

We are extremely proud of our people and with qualifications to PCN Level 3, ASNT NDT Level 3 and the BS EN ISO 9712 standard, who wouldn’t be?

Our team are experts when it comes to your NDT requirements. We complete an extensive range of tests, including:

Ultrasonic Testing (Including Phased Array. Time-Of-Flight Diffraction (TOFD). Object-to-Film Distance and Corrosion Mapping)
Radiography (in-house at our purpose built testing labs and on-site)
Eddy Current
Liquid Penetrant
Magnetic Particle
Positive Material Identification (PMI)
NDT Level III services.

For more information about our NDT services and your requirements, have a read of our quick guide here. Or get in touch to speak with a member of our brilliant testing team, today.

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